Friday, February 6, 2009

What do I want from this research? 1. Where to begin? A. What to purchase? B. How much time will be involved? C. How to set up? 2. How to pick a theme? A. Can I make it specific or will I have to make it general? (I guess I mean how specific can I make it) B. How do I take what I have collected and make it work? 3. Will I need to be artistic (Cause I am not)? A. Will I need lessons or do I have the eye and skill to do it? B. If I need to take a class what kind of class should I take? 4. How to put everything into a finished product? A. Is this page by page as I go or do I need to have the end result in mind before I start? B. Are there limitations or will I be able to make one book about a whole life? 5. After I have done the research and the paper will I still want to make this scrapbook of the century or will it be easier just to hand the boxes of memories to my daughter and grandkids? A. Will the time involved be worth the satisfaction I hope to receive?

1 comment:

  1. Sure, good questions all. Next: your art background or lack thereof. Scrapbooking you've seen. How you've traditionally saved stuff in the past. What kinds of things you want to scrapbook.
