Monday, September 7, 2009

It's Labor Day but off to work I have to go later. The healthcare field has no holidays, but that's okay. The last year has reminded me of the compassion needed to be a good provider. I got some really good care at times, but more often felt like it was crappy. It has been an eye opener and a disappointment being sick. Those who took me the least seriously were people I interact with on a daily basis (at least that's how I felt). It's another beautiful day out, though fall can be felt in the air, where did summer go? The one month we could call summer this year is going to make the winter long and miserable. I can't wait until the time comes when I can go where snow and cold are the rarity, not the norm (I'm talking Florida or someplace like that, not dead). Off I go to enjoy this last day of summer. Hope everyone has a chance to enjoy at least part of it.

1 comment:

  1. (I'm talking Florida or someplace like that, not dead).


    Some people think Florida is already full of the living dead....
