Sunday, December 6, 2009

Another try at Week Fifteen Theme

A slice in the life of…. December 6, 2009

***6" of snow here on the cove.. Aiden is giggling.
***Gonna shovel off the porches and get my Christmas on...It's a Hobbit marathon for me today.
***Who really wanted this white stuff anyway?
****Excited about going to get a Christmas tree with Darla and her boys.
***Plow hooked up, driveway cleaned out, tree purchased and up for the wife and kiddo to decorate.
***I'm happy. Don't wreck it by talking!
***Wish I could try out my snowmobiles today, oh well next snowstorm I am sure.
***In Harrington watching Worcester Wreath trucks leave with all the wreaths for Arlington Cemetery.
***Not liking this state of snowy affairs.
*** He is going back to bed after finishing the Christmas lights.
***My feet hurt. My knee is scraped from tripping and falling in the middle of the road. It was still a fun night though!
***I have to get the driveway shoveled in the morning because the plow has chosen now to stop functioning.
***Watchin' the Patriots and putting up the Christmas tree.
***Playin in the snow with 'Bammie'.
***Chauffeuring Miss Tiffany around in the snow today.
***Not sure what to think about all this white stuff, guess it was going to come sooner or later.
***What a send off.....shoveling to get out of the driveway
***Snow sucks!

***So that my friends is your creative nonfiction version of December 6, 2009 as directly posted by YOU!! Enjoy!