Monday, December 14, 2009


Journal Day Five

Well, I’m down to an A+P paper and a few more journal entries and this semester is over. I survived it but more importantly I learned from it. As I sit here writing this journal entry, instead of dreaming about what else I could be doing, I’m reflecting over what I’ve done. I have done lab work that gave me a different perspective on parts of my job. I have been introduced to some fantastic literature that I would have never discovered on my own and I’ve had a chance to engage in some fantastic lit discussions with interesting people who opened my eyes to many different points of view. Oh and write, boy have I written! For Eng 162, I’ve done 75 different writings (not counting the dreaded rewrites) and for Eng 112 I’ve done 100 postings on stories on poems, plus 4 critical essays. A+P Lab was easy in the writing department, only had to do three papers for that one. Next semester only involves 2 papers, and I thought I would be happy about that, but now that it is ending I find I’m going to miss the writing. I’ve been whiny about it, I’ve struggled with it, and I don’t think the backspace or delete buttins on my computer will ever recover, but I’ve realized it gives me great satisfaction. I check both 162 and 112 daily to see if there is anything new, a post I need to answer, or an essay I need to rewrite. I’m not sure figuring algebra equations is going to give me the same satisfaction that reading what others think of my thoughts and opinions does. Oh well, the end is almost here, and instead of being euphoric about it, I’m rather sad.


  1. Don't forget the new course you'll be taking next semester, sally: V & R 101.

    That stands for, of course, 'Vignettes and Rewrites.' I'll be looking for you.

  2. I thought it stood for Vacation and Relaxation, in which I'll be looking for you!
