Thursday, November 26, 2009

Theme Week Thirteen

The great American novel. Words flowing effortlessly from one to another, the pages just waiting to be turned. The story line is so engrossing you can’t be put it down. You read the story read with the ending anticipated and dreaded. The end is read and all you want is more.

Sleep is lost and nerves frazzled trying to accomplish the impossible. Words written are deleted. Themes are tried and thrown aside. The story won’t grow, it just changes and never for the better. You walk away, try to rethink it, come back and still nothing.

The blank page still stares at you with a deadline looming. No great ideas, no fantastic metaphors, hell not even an idea for a topic. Maybe the great American novel is an unrealistic goal. At this point you’ll settle for a weekly theme that fits the bill. You just keep hoping for the great Eng 162 paragraph.


  1. Sally--you definitely are giving me the feeling this course is beating you down, for which I'm sorry, truly.

    This week you have a large to small progression for sure. The second person singular is working for you. I got a horrified laugh from the last sentence. I'm not even tempted to type any word that starts with an "R", ends with an "E", and has five letters between them....

  2. The class isn't beating me down, I'm just having such a hard time coming up with topics. Dry humor is my best and some weeks that just doesn't work so I end up frustrated. I actually love the writing when it all comes together, it seems lately, though,it hasn't been working for me.
