Friday, January 30, 2009

On the fourth finger of my left hand is a ring. It is beautiful, rubies and diamonds set in a gold band. It is an object by definition, but it is so much more than that. It is the symbol of a road hard traveled to a place of contentment. I could trivialize its' significance by saying it represents a lifelong committment with the giver but that would be such an understatement. This ring came to be even after all the losses I've suffered over the years and the others I've caused to suffer. I was hard, unfeeling, and certainly felt undeserving. But despite that, someone took the time to really look. Look at the fact that I'm compassionate and funny, despite the bitchy exterior. An exterior that is well earned, but not always flattering. The giver of this ring had full disclosure to my past and decided I was still worth the risk. To this day, I am still amazed by that. This ring softened me, not in a bad way. It made me remember to enjoy sunny days, just because they are sunny. So this ring is important, but is it an object? Maybe, but an object of hope, love and a reason to be.

1 comment:

  1. I like how the writer keeps doubling back, always a sign of sophistication.

    Here: I could trivialize its' significance by saying... but that would be such an understatement.

    Here: I was hard, unfeeling, and certainly felt undeserving. But despite that, someone...

    Here: So this ring is important, but is it an object? Maybe, but an object of hope, love and a reason to be.

    That giving, taking, and then giving back an enhanced version of what you started with is always going to swing the reader your way.
