Friday, February 13, 2009

I never had aspirations to have a career in EMS, it sort of fell into my lap. The details don't matter, what matters is I fell in love with it. I am a caregiver by nature so it was a match made in heaven, or so it seemed. I am also what could be described as a planner and a finisher and that doesn't often happen in this job. Emergencies are not planned events, hence the term emergencies, and in EMS we rarely know the final outcome of our patients. Initially, that part of the job was difficult for me to deal with, but I got over it quickly. I have noticed over the years that some aspects of this job have caused personality changes in me, some for the better and some for the worse. I have risen through the ranks of EMS to a paramedic (highest license level there is), and still to this day wonder if I made the right decision. The changes this career have caused in my life are not few and some pretty remarkable for the girl who went to a one room schoolhouse her first 8 years. It opened the door for me to become an educator, something I enjoy, but it also required me to move miles away from those I love. Even now, a part of each day is spent wondering if I am doing the right thing for myself and those I love.

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