Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Theme Week 14 #2

Life Recipe

3 parts responsibility
2 parts funny girl
6 parts loving partner
6 parts mother (grandmother can be used as a substitute here)
3 parts loyalty
2 parts heart break
2 parts stupidity

Mix together and let age for at least 40 years or until maturity seems imminent

When sufficiently ripened add:

A little extra responsibility
1 part nonchalance (if not available, could really care less what you think, is an acceptable substitute)
1 part mellowness
3 parts compassion
4 parts comfortable in own skin

Mix together until all parts are well blended. The final result should bear a resemblance to a woman who has lived life and enjoyed every minute of the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly.


  1. Yes, exactly. Very slick, very SAT, very week 14. Particularly amusing:

    1 part nonchalance (if not available, could really care less what you think, is an acceptable substitute)

  2. Yep, that's me without a single "I"!
