Monday, March 30, 2009

Here are my three bibliography sources. I will probably need a lot of guidance, as I have very limited experience with true internet research.

1.—The scrap booking megasite, MSN, March 21, 2009,
This site had numerous articles ranging for the beginning scrap booker including ideas on layouts and themes. They also offered an online scrap booking class.

2.—Scrap booking, MSN, March 23, 2009,
This site had a lot of information on heritage albums, of which making one of these is an en goal of my research.

3. Scrap booking—Sandi Genovese shares scrap booking ideas, MSN, March 24, 2009
This site offered information on getting organized and even had a video.

1 comment:

  1. The annotations are fine. Try easybib to create the source entry.

    I looked at your #3.

    First thing I found was that your url only took me to the basic site. I had several scrapbooking choices, and I took the first one (Scrapbooknig basics)which gave me this url:,2019,DIY_14161_29076,00.html

    Then I clicked on "Crops."

    So, putting all that on easybib:

    Anonymous. "Scrapbooking Basics: Crops." DIY Network. Spring 2009
