Thursday, March 5, 2009

Acquaintance, friend, and lover; all people in my life but with different meaning and expectations. Acquaintances would seem to be the easiest type of relationship as opposed to friend or lover, but that is not always the case. Take gift giving for example, friends get certain types of presents with some thought process involved, but not the brain racking, pull your hair out type of decision required for a lovers' gift. Acquaintances for me however can be the most difficult, do I buy for this one or that one and if I do, how much should I spend? I expect presents in return from friends and my loved one, but what about the acquaintance who bought me something and I have nothing in return. Oh the guilt, do I run and buy something or do I say the hell with it? If I don't reciprocate will they think I'm shallow or cheap, and if I do will they now think we are friends? Such a dilemna over three different types of relationships.

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